The Financial Pipeline team members picked a slew of movies to review for you to mix some business lessons into the holidays. Take a look at these 15 reviews to figure out what goes best with your holidays plans — movies are ranked them across six different categories, outlined below. Enjoy the 2023 holiday season with The Financial Pipeline and Hallmark!
Romance: Whether you’re snuggling up with someone or watching on your own, Hallmark holiday movies are always brimming with romance. Here’s our take on just how much!
Christmas Spirit: We’ll let you know if these movies have McCallister or Griswold levels of that good old Christmas cheer.
Plot: Happy endings abound in Hallmark holiday movies. Find out what we thought of all the twists and turns en route to that hallmark feature.
Acting: It may not be an Oscar-worthy turn, but here’s our take on the cast’s acting chops.
Business Content: Hallmark holiday movies usually touch on some business content, and we’re here for it. Check out what they offer for those wishing to mix business with pleasure.
Business Accuracy: Scores are pretty low here, but anyone watching Hallmark movies isn’t doing so for a dose of reality, right?