The Little Book of Common Sense Investing, written by John C. Bogle, is a perfect read for any investor looking to optimize their long-term investment returns. Bogle was the founder of Vanguard, a 6.2 trillion-dollar company, and the world’s largest provider of mutual funds. He’s also known as the man who created the world’s first index fund. One of his famous quotes, “Don’t look for the needle in the haystack. Just buy the haystack!”, perfectly sums up the key points made throughout the book.
This book is notably well-written, and keeps readers’ interest throughout. All of Bogle’s points are accompanied by powerful, insightful explanations, with statistics, charts, and real-life scenarios to back up his points. At the end of each chapter, he includes a summary of the lesson he wants to get across. He effectively utilizes situations and quotes from other renowned investors, such as Warren Buffett and Benjamin Graham, to help reinforce his message.
The Little Book of Common Sense Investing is one financial book that is definitely a worthwhile read for anyone interested in investing in the financial markets. It is a relatively easy read, and truly delivers on what it promises – plus a little extra.